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Faith in Food Production
Publish Date : 1395/5/23 Time 15:39:07


Faith in Food Production

Consumer Perception

Food experts at Sullivan Higdon and Sink examined the American perception of the food supply in a recent FoodThink market study.  Senior FoodThink researcher, Erika Chance, shared the results and her opinions in a recent Food Production Daily article, “Do Consumers Trust Your Food Products?

“Only 31% of consumers feel food firms are transparent about food production practices,” Ms. Chance stated, which highlights one of the most common concerns of the public.  Within the food industry, we have seen a number of other queries surface in topics of labeling, natural vs. organic, and the safety of substances added to foods and beverages.

Desire to Learn
Ongoing questions from consumers warrant a need for answers and a response from the industry.  The study shows that 66% of consumers would like to see the food industry take more action in informing the public on how food is produced.

If food manufacturers can explain their production methods and the benefits of the ingredients which make up their products, this could provide a better understanding to the public and soften the mainstream issues targeting the industry.  Consumers are not only open and willing to learn from manufacturers, some are actively seeking answers on company websites and industry blogs.

Trust Building
In the FoodThink study, consumers listed a few ways organizations could build their trust, starting with better labeling of production and nutritional information.  Answering questions about where the product was grown and how long it was harvested could provide a better understanding and comfort for shoppers.

Videos and public tours have become popular ways for manufactures to share their production process as well. Infographics and illustrations provide innovative ways to educate and also entertain.


Infographic Courtesy of

The study participants listed the importance of useful FAQ sections on an organization’s website.  Preparing honest answers to common questions is a proactive approach to building trust with today’s consumers.

What are ways you think the food industry can ease apprehension and educate the public?  Do you agree with the list of ways to foster trust building?  Comment below to share your thoughts as a consumer and/or member of the food industry.

The Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association of the United States (FEMA) was founded in 1909 and is the national association of the U.S. flavor industry.  FEMA’s membership is comprised of flavor manufacturers, flavor users, flavor ingredient suppliers, and others with an interest in the U.S. flavor industry.  The association is committed to ensuring a safe supply of flavor ingredients used in foods and beverages enjoyed by billions of men, women, and children around the world.